How to use your Bubble Bags


Bubble Bags being used.

Before you start. What you’ll need.

  • Bubble Bags (normally between 4-8 bags)

  • Pressing Screen

  • Bucket (size generally within 5 litres of your sized kit)

  • Ice (plenty, plenty, plenty!)

  • Water (the colder the better)

  • Spoon (or hand mixer)

  • Tea Towel (or paper towels)

  • Around 20-45 minutes

Step 1.

Line a bucket with your bubble bags inside, starting with the lowest number on the bottom-outside (eg 25 microns) and the highest number on top-inside (eg 220 microns)

Bubble Ice Hash Bags Instructions Step

Step 2.

Fill the bucket and bags with cold water (to approximately half full)

Bubble Ice Hash Bags Instructions Step 3

Step 3.

Add your dry or frozen plant trimmings to your water inside the bags and bucket.

Bubble Ice Hash Bags Instructions Step 4

Step 4.

Add lots of ice, almost to the top of the bucket. (don’t worry, it will slowly melt down)

Bubble Ice Hash Bag Instructions Step 5

Step 5.

Stir your mix for around 20 minutes with a spoon or a suitable hand mixer. Keep adding ice as it melts (approx 50/50 ice and water is ideal)

Bubble Ice Hash Bag Instructions Step 6

Step 6.

Remove your bags one by one, draining them into the remaining bags as you go.

Bubble Ice Hash Bag Instructions Step 7

Step 7.

After each bag is removed, collect the herbal extract from the bottom of the bags by turning them inside out and scraping.

Bubble Ice Hash Bag Instructions Step 8

Step 8.

Gently press the excess moisture away from your extracts by placing a tea towel behind the pressing screen and folding over.