

You can pay for your order by Credit/Debit Card or New Zealand bank deposit/transfer.
To order, simply choose which set you want,click ‘add to basket’ then continue to the checkout.
Our card payments are handled by Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account to make payment (choose to ‘pay without an account’ if you prefer). We do not collect or see any of your card details and your transaction is handled with the highest security available on the internet today.
If you are paying by bank deposit, the payment may take 1-3 working days for your transaction to clear, please be patient and we will contact you as soon as the funds appear and your bags are in the post.
If you pay by Card/Paypal you’ll receive an instant receipt from Paypal confirming your transaction. If you do not receive it within 5 minutes, check your spam folder as occasionally emails can end up there.


We’ll get your bags in the post within 48hrs of receiving confirmed payment (often the same day)
Normally goods take 1-5 working days to arrive after postage depending on your location and New Zealand Post’s issues.
Upon shipping you will receive an email shortly after with your tracking number.



If you need any pre or post sale advice, simply contact us by email, or txt.
We’re here to help!